Click on the REG102 FerrisNow Dual Enrollment course at the bottom of the page or search REG102 in the search bar below to get started!
Becoming a Bulldog while you are in high school is simple. FerrisNow allows high school students to get a jump-start on their college education. FerrisNow offers opportunities to earn college credit through CTE articulation, concurrent enrollment, direct enrollment traditional dual enrollment and Early/Middle college.
Follow these steps to complete your application for FerrisNow:
Click the FerrisNow Dual Enrollment Course Below
To begin the enrollment process, first select the REG102 FerrisNow Dual Enrollment course below. You can then choose Summer or Fall enrollment by selecting "Add Class" next to the term of your choice. Ferris State will work with your high school counselor to register you for the correct course.
Create your account
After selecting the FerrisNow Dual Enrollment course, follow the prompts to create your user account. Remember to use an active email address – we'll send important updates there.
Complete the application
Fill out the application form carefully and completely. This information becomes part of your official Ferris record, so make sure everything is accurate before submitting.